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Sunday, August 26, 2007

# 8 Rampant Applied Hypocrisy, Deception and Deceit: By Those In Power

Have heard many times if you want controversy and argument, start a talk on either religion or politics. Have deliberately avoided posting on politics, but did start posting thoughts on religion. The world situation as it now stands, needs more reflection on the "why of it".

Now, my thoughts and views aren't going to much affect whats actually happening it the world, For what its worth though, what is taking place world wide, " STINKS ".

Many leaders that could take a respectful place in future history books, have succumbed to personal gain, wrongful ideology and ignominious actions. What has triggered my change of not posting about politics so to speak?

Have recently ( finally ) viewed the " Fahrenheit 9 /11 ", film, that some what reflected many of my thoughts on things that, had / have, taken place in recent years. I love , honor and respect, all that I have in my country, ( USA ). I honor and respect what many other countries stand for. I respect other beliefs and religions, that cause no deliberate harm to life and our planet. That said, I abhor, to hear and read of the pain and injustice inflicted on so many, throughout the world. Was terrible enough when religious leaders were the main cause of problem in this world, now we have a new wave of problems, with various nations and leaders of those country's to cope with. As much as I dislike to say it, there is fault with many actions taken by my country. Whatever the motivation, if its wrong action, and causes harm, proper and legal steps must be taken to correct it. As always, its the average and less fortunate class, that bears the brunt of the wrongful doings that take place at all levels of government. One comment by a government official that really rankled my calm, was the use of the word " fungible " to describe what was happening in our current war situation.

Such gall.

Informed Comment2: There was no way to have "done it right" in Iraq so that U.S. war aims .... US troops are, as Rumsfield said, "fungible" - when one wears out or fails it ... -

The Mechanics of Mass Slaughter « Piece Of MindDuring one of our many
conversations, she said to me: “We got rid of the ... A “fungible asset” is one that can be exchanged for another of like kind,
The Left Coaster: Cindy Sheehan's Crawford Day"Donald Rumsfeld said that the troops are fungible, fungible meaning you lose .... The stunning photographs from the Vietnam War are engraved in our memory. -

Why War? What I Heard about IraqI heard that the president said to the television evangelist Pat Robertson: ‘Oh, no, we’re not going to have any casualties.’ ... - .............................................................................

Peninsula Peace and Justice Center: 3/20/07 - Bush's Shadow ArmyHe told his new staff, "You may think I'm describing one of the last ..... thing in our democracy, because war is the most critical thing that we do." ...

Blog for America » Remembering Those Who ServedWar is hell. Today, I read yet another article describing how our veterans return ..... He *is* just a fine piece of werk, isn't he? Him and old "Fungible." -

Blackwater - Bush’s Private Army « DissidentHe told his new staff, “You may think I’m describing one of the last decrepit dictators of the world…. [But] the adversary’s closer to home,” he said. - ...................................................................
The Mechanics of Mass Slaughter « Piece Of Mind - 11:48amDuring one of our many conversations, she said to me: “We got rid of the ... A “fungible asset” is one that can be exchanged for another of like kind, - 31k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this ............................................................The Left Coaster: Cindy Sheehan's Crawford Day - 11:53am"Donald Rumsfeld said that the troops are fungible, fungible meaning you lose .... The stunning photographs from the Vietnam War are engraved in our memory. - 40k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
..........................................................................Informed Comment - 11:40am2: There was no way to have "done it right" in Iraq so that U.S. war aims .... US troops are, as Rumsfield said, "fungible" - when one wears out or fails it - 87k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this ...........................................................Bush's Shadow ArmyCasey defended the contracting system but said armed contractors "are the ..... thing in our democracy, because war is the most critical thing that we do. - 46k - Cached - Similar pages - Note ............................................................Why War? What I Heard about IraqI heard that the president said to the television evangelist Pat Robertson: ‘Oh, no, we’re not going to have any casualties.’ - 79k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this ..............................................................Peninsula Peace and Justice Center: 3/20/07 - Bush's Shadow Army - 11:55amHe told his new staff, "You may think I'm describing one of the last ..... thing in our democracy, because war is the most critical thing that we do." - 37k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this ...........................................Blog for America » Remembering Those Who Served - 11:56amWar is hell. Today, I read yet another article describing how our veterans return ..... He *is* just a fine piece of werk, isn't he? Him and old "Fungible." - 66k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this .........................................................Blackwater - Bush’s Private Army « Dissident - 11:59amHe told his new staff, “You may think I’m describing one of the last decrepit dictators of the world…. [But] the adversary’s closer to home,” he said. - 112k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this .................................................................Olbermann Watch - MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann ...I can't think of a better word to describe you than PRICK. ..... Those are our war casualties, damnit! We're supposed to use the casualties, not them!) - 213k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this .......................................................Blackwater RisingThis black hole of accountability increases the danger to our troops and American civilians serving as contractors.” He said his legislation would - 52k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this .........................................................
DefenseLink News Transcript: Defense Department Operational Update ...RUMSFELD: I am saying that if you had said to me a year ago, "describe the ... the other comment is look, our country is engaged in a global war on terror. - 168k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this ............................................................
boiled meatAs I said, this is critical to winning the war on terrorism. ..... the war supporter's homes across the country -- people are not fungible, as Rumsfeld said - 243k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this ..............................................................
(from my post on: )
Understood of course, is that my findings and paths, will not necessarily be any
others Truth. Appears that the worlds leaders, and many of the people in this world have abandoned common sense, and spiritual values. Reading the daily newspaper and seeing the news on television, indicates that not all is well, world wise.More and more, a book I read, years ago, reflects that old saying" the more things change, the more they stay the same".The book in mind is a long read, but worth it:
" Atlas Shrugged " by Any Rand, is a mystery story, not about the murder of a man's body, but about the murder--and rebirth--of man's spirit.
Seems that what was written, back in the 40's, still applies to what is taking place, today, on a worldly basis. So, who am I to speak out on this! I still stumble, fall, and question this existence, trying to make sense of it all. Life is beautiful, yet, paradoxically, very, very ugly in many respects, world wise. Nothing will change, unless the changes start, with me, and you, one by one, on an ongoing basis
May have messed up some links, sorry.

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