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Sunday, January 13, 2008

# 17 Talker On Toxic Mercury: Force The Public to Buy It!

Well must of had a hard time with the stored 1300 tons of toxic mercury. Vaccines not using it fast enough! Ah, ban the plain old light bulb and force the general public to use the compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulb. That way some one can still make some moola ($). Now of course comes all the special laws on how to dispose the CFL bulbs. Can't have them winding up in the plain good garbage can we! I mean we cant dump toxic mercury in the rubbish fill sites can we! Oh, of course it will be expensive to handle, so charge for special pick up of disposable CFL and fluorescent tubes. Oh shucks, not supposed to trash the regular fluorescent tubes even now! Watch what happens next, Special Hazardous Waste license with each sale, for $10.00! Where does all the nonsense stop, and common sense kick in again. I sure don't have the answer, but spreading the toxic mercury all over the country by forcing the public to buy compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs, defies logic and common sense.

But federal light-bulb law suffers from low wattage By Shane Cory January 4, 2008 ''Outlaw light bulbs, and only outlaws will have light bulbs.'' This phrase, in the spirit of the catchy quip used among pro-gun activists, has taken on a new meaning after President Bush signed the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 last month. Buried in the 822 pages of the bill, among numerous new energy regulations on everything from automobiles to televisions, was a plan to ban the light bulb. Yes, the light bulb.

Caught up in the fervor of ''going green,'' Congress saw it expedient to replace the notoriously inefficient incandescent bulb in favor of the compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulb, which can save hundreds of dollars in long-term energy costs. The plan would begin in 2012 with a phase out of incandescents completed by 2014.

Phasing out incandescent bulbs is one of the easiest ways to enhance energy efficiency in everyday life, so at first, switching from incandescent bulbs to CFL bulbs seems like a logical step that any consumer would make, as some already have. Unfortunately, things are not always as simple as changing a light bulb, especially when the federal government is involved.

Banning light bulbs can't help but seem comical. What did a light bulb ever to do to anyone? Yet, when one gets past the surreal absurdity of the whole situation, the implications are anything but a laughing matter. In fact, the light bulb is a very alarming microcosm of the excessive intrusion of government into the private lives of citizens and how far people have allowed the government to go.

When the founding fathers came together in 1787 at Independence Hall to write the U.S. Constitution, they created a government with limited powers, concerned chiefly with protecting the individual rights of American citizens. Now, more than 220 years later, there are very few things a citizen can do that are free from government regulation. From the low-flow toilets in bathrooms to the lights in ceilings, some form of government regulation dictates nearly every facet of people's life. This is a far cry from the aphoristic statement: That government is best which governs least.

Switching from incandescent bulbs to CFL bulbs is not like switching air fresheners. CFL bulbs take longer to warm up, the coloration is different and they contain toxic amounts of mercury. Broken CFL bulbs carry the risk of mercury poisoning for those who come in contact with them, and proper disposal methods need to be followed to prevent environmental pollution. To get the full life out of your CFL bulb (as opposed to an incandescent bulb whose purchase price is much lower), the government advises consumers to keep it turned on for at least 15 minutes.

Some local and state governments have banned the disposal of CFL bulbs in the trash, fearing CFL bulbs may poison waste management employees or contribute to soil contamination. The Environmental Protection Agency has even admitted that not enough has been done to ensure that disposal of CFL bulbs is convenient and safe.,0,1820217.story

Compact Fluorescents: Low Mercury Bulbs

Compact fluorescents are an efficient lightingsource, but the bulbs do contain mercury (usually around 5 mg) and shouldbe disposed of properly. To find a place to dispose of them, searchfor locations by zipcode here.The amount of mercury contained in them is muchless thanthe amount of mercury released during the production electricity neededto run incandescent bulbs. Philips makes low-mercurycompact fluorescents, and other low-mercurybulbs using their "Alto"technology.

EcoLEDs: Mercury-Free LED Bulbs

A start-up company is offering mercury-free, energy efficient, high-brightness LED lights to replace typical light bulbs in homes and offices. The EcoLED lights use 1/10th the electricity of incandescent light bulbs, and are estimated to last 50,000 hours before burning out (approximately a decade of normal use). Unlike compact fluorescent bulbs, these bulbs contain no mercury. Note that these bulbs produce a directional light, so they may not work in every place in your home

Thursday, January 10, 2008

# 16 Trust Me Its Only Toxic Mercury! Wont hurt your kids!

Don't eat to much fish due to mercury that may be found in it. Medically that is what is being to the public. Oh, some say it's only teenee amounts that can't hurt you! Goodness it's so safe, that the parents must vaccinate school children, and, by some states law, even at gun point and guard dogs, do so. Shucks folks that's false information that thimerosal will cause autism! Well now, from what I've read, is that mercury is toxic. If its toxic why put it in anyones body! Oh, I forgot the powers that be have a glut of 10 million pounds of toxic mercury stored some where."Of course, how stupid of me, sell the toxic mercury, and bank tons of dollars, while ignoring the very real dangers of eating mercury. Oh, more stupid me, just think on it, some group somewhere, can become billionaires, selling 10 million pounds of toxic mercury, at your healths risk.
Wouldn't slop the hogs with it, why would I allow some one to give me injections of it. But what do I know about these things, am just a back forty kid, with common sense.
Institute of Health Sciences
Flu Vaccine Effectiveness: Questions and Answers for Health Professionals
Criticizing Gardasil
Ouch! Cervical Cancer Shots Painful
Maryland Forcibly Vaccinates ChildrenUnder threat of arrest and fines for their parents, hundreds of children were marched into a courthouse and forcibly vaccinated. To get to the scene of their vaccines, these already frightened kids (and what kids aren’t scared of vaccines?) had to pass attack dogs and men with guns
But all of this is definitely a front burner issue for the New Jersey Alliance for Informed Choice in Vaccination (NJAICV). An "Action Alert," sent out by NJAICV officials offers these details that might make any parent start thinking about philosophical objections: There is no clear evidence that the flu shot provides any health benefit for children under the age of two The first time a flu shot is given, two doses are required The EPA safe limit of mercury is .1 microgram (that's ZERO.1) per 2.2 pounds of body weight, but a flu shot contains 25 micrograms of mercury, so the mercury level from two doses of the shot is perfectly safe for a child who weighs well over 1,000 pounds Prevnar, the pneumonia vaccine, is prone to adverse side effects and has been linked to the development of antibiotic-resistant strains of pneumonia bacteria
Another shot at it
Who wouldn't be worried about vaccines, when you consider the list of ingredients? They sound like the last thing anyone in their right mind would want injected into their body.
Vaccinations in children have been a particular concern of many. Here is what I believe is the crux of the vaccine problem in regards to children. Public health officials point to what appear to be clear overall benefits across the population as a whole from these vaccines. What the manufacturers are unwilling to acknowledge is that for some susceptible children, giving these vaccines does cause a problem.
Why are some children susceptible, while so many others are not? Look to individual genetic make-up, for starters. Some children's detoxification systems just aren't as effective as others. You can add to this individual toxic exposure, poor diet and too many antibiotics—to name just a few more potential contributing causes. In some children, the overall toxic load can overwhelm the body's defense mechanisms.
There has been some question about the spike in cases of autism, and whether or not it's related to those very same nasty vaccine ingredients. Autism should be recognized as a complex disease that can have multiple contributing causes. A dysfunctional gut and an overwhelmed immune and detoxification system are present in the vast majority of these children. It's therefore reasonable to assume that in some children, the stuff that is put into vaccines may contribute to the problem.
Of course, if public health officials started talking this way, the result would be pure chaos from their point of view. As you can see, the reality is complex. Trying to walk such a fine line in their argument to the public would be a gargantuan task.
But to be direct, I think our children are over-vaccinated and over-medicated. In fact, if you took away antibiotics for ear infections (which are usually unnecessary to begin with) and also took away vaccinations, many pediatricians would have to retrain for another medical specialty.
Having said as much, vaccinating a child is still an individual decision. Parents should do their own research and consider religious and philosophical concerns.
The one clear exception in my view is the chicken pox (varicella) vaccine. Chicken pox in children is a relatively benign disease. And getting it pretty much confers lifetime immunity, so it seems this is an unnecessary vaccine—plain and simple.
CDC & WHO Crimes Against Humanity
Published research 1st March 2006 shows neurodevelopmental disorders in children has decreased following removal of thimerosal, a preservative containing the neurotoxin mercury, from American childhood vaccines. The World Health Organization has urged .......
U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administration Safety and Health Topics Mercury Mercury is naturally occurring and exists in several forms. High mercury exposure results in permanent nervous system and kidney damage.
New Jersey State Department of HealthDivision of Occupational and Environmental Health
of neurotoxicity from both elemental mercury and MeHg include the following sensory, motor function, cognitive, and personality impairments:
remors affecting the hands that may progress to other parts of the body neuromuscular weakness, muscle twitching, and muscle atrophy polyneuropathy-- parathesias (numbness in fingers and toes), hyperactive tendon reflexes, slowed sensory and motor nerve conduction velocities with gait ataxia slurred speech memory loss and decreased performance in cognitive functioning emotional lability known as “erethism” : irritability, extreme nervousness, shyness, and loss of confidence fatigue headaches insomnia visual loss – constriction of visual fields hallucinations hearing loss In the fishing village of Minamata, Japan (1953-1960) where a plastics factory had been discharging mercury wastes into Minamata Bay, 700 people died and 9,000 were left with degrees of paralysis and brain damage (Nadakavukaren, 2000, p.266). In Iraq (1971-72), where mass poisonings occurred from the consumption of rice treated with mercurial fungicide, over 6000 people were hospitalized and over 500 deaths occurred, largely due to CNS failure. In both episodes, neurotoxicity was the most common adverse health effect noted (Nadakavukaren, 2000).

(Updated 1/14/2008)
Seems as though a fuss is being made about toxic mercury not being a major cause of autism. Who cares, major, minor or even suspected link to autism should be alarm enough to be a major concern.
Symptoms of Mercury PoisoningBy the Environmental Protection Agency
Impairment of the peripheral vision Disturbances in sensations ("pins and needles" feelings, numbness) usually in the hands feet and sometimes around the mouth Lack of coordination of movements, such as writing Impairment of speech, hearing, walking; Muscle weakness Skin rashes Mood swing Memory loss Mental disturbance
Mercury ExposureHealth problems caused by mercury depend on how much has entered your body, how it entered your body, how long you have been exposed to it, and how your body responds to the mercury. People are at risk when they consume mercury-contaminated fish and when they are exposed to spilled mercury.
Elemental (metallic) mercury and its compounds are toxic and exposure to excessive levels can permanently damage or fatally injure the brain and kidneys. Elemental mercury can also be absorbed through the skin and cause allergic reactions. Ingestion of inorganic mercury compounds can cause severe renal and gastrointestinal toxicity. Organic compounds of mercury such as methylmercury are considered the most toxic forms of the element. Exposures to very small amounts of these compounds can result in devastating neurological damage and death.
For fetuses, infants and children, the primary health effects of mercury are on neurological development. Even low levels of mercury exposure such as result from mother's consumption methylmercury in dietary sources can adversely affect the brain and nervous system. Impacts on memory, attention, language and other skills have been found in children exposed to moderate levels in the womb.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

# 14 More Gay Common Sense Is Needed

Well now, do apologize for going off on a tangent in recent posts. Recent headlines, news/television stories, and certain forum posts, just made no sense to me.With that in mind, I posted:
(Saturday, October 13, 2007# 13 Was Jesus Gay! Who Said That!
(My feelings on what I say, in response to the above)
( from: )
# 3 Soul Food
Many times while speaking on religion with friends or proselytes, they erroneously conclude at times , that I am some what irreligious. Not so.
Well now, seems that the pot has been brought to a boil. How dare I post words about Jesus, like in that # 13 post! Good. That shook you up,huh! Lets go to the pertinent and obvious question. Did that change your feelings in any manner about Jesus The Christ! If that post, was in fact, true, would the words he spoke, now become less valuable! Would you now leave the Christian ranks! Would Jesus now become a target for your vituperative rantings! How about The Blessed Virgin Mary! What if she wasn't a virgin at the times of Jesus' birth! Even Joseph, her new husband, had a problem with that pregnancy.Ah yes, all are,irreverent, irrational thoughts. But to me, those thoughts are highly, irrelevant, and the "what they were", has absolutely no meaning in relation to the "what they represent" factor. That same principle should apply in all fields of ones thinking process. Especially in world matters.So am I being irreligious here, no, not at all. If anything, I am guilty of having a very curious mind. Some common sense has come about, regards unwed mothers. It's high time for that same common sense, to be applied to those that happen to be mentioned, as being homosexual. Not all homosexuals, are predatory, yet there are predators that are not homosexuals. So why not apply that wonderful gift of "common sense", that, worldwide, seems to be rapidly fading into obscurity.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

# 13 Was Jesus Gay! Who Said That!

The various forums I check into, quite often have religion and ones sexual orientation, as a sure fire-raging topic posted. Who cares, and why so upset with any ones, sexual orientation. If you have a need to vent, as a bible and Jesus loving Christian, go ahead vent, but condemn the action, not the person. Keep in mind though, that even Jesus was subject to the question of " was he or wasn't he " gay. Careful though on how far you want to carry this, one can even read that a Revered Biblical person, called The Blessed Virgin Mary, was considered as a pregnant, unmarried teen-ager.( supposedly impregnated by a Roman soldier ) at that time. Does that bother me! No, not at all. Stories like these, can be found on the Internet, are they true. I sure can't answer that. What I am sure of, is that to me, it is of no consequence. Think what you will, but allow me the same privilege. The pro and con of this topic, anywhere, is a quagmire of confusion. Many get on the bible bandwagon, and have never even opened a bible. Others hear the tales from the pulpit, and never question what they hear. Those few tidbits, so often quoted from the bible, are only a few passages long, but made to sound like the whole bible is full of information about homosexuality. How much have you heard, also from the bible, about the murder, rape, incest, genocide, and on and on, that is hundreds of pages long! It is what I call " cherry picking ", from the Bible. Will say here, truth is like a rubber band.
# 2 Truth Is Like A Rubber Band 12/26/06
-This only a few parts, from my blog:.....# 8 Religious Quandary
Religious Quandary, The Talker Shopping for a bible! Which one? King James Version, KJ2, KJ2000, KJ21, the New King James or the Revised King James, or maybe the Revised Standard Version, or perhaps the New Revised Standard. Not satisfied with those, how about NIV, NIRV, NAB, NASB, NCV, NEB, NET, NJV, NLT, NLV, or NWT, versions. So, I started a "small research" project. Believe it was Elvis Presley (spelling?) that had a song with the words '' All shook up " in it, that describes how I ended up, feeling wise. Found that there are 125 Asian and African languages, with another 500 language variations, of some portions of the bible. There are, in English, more than 3000 versions of the entire bible or portions of the bible. So when I hear some one ask, "do you read the bible", I now ask "which one". Well, it all starts with " there is no one bible".No one complete version of what "God said " exists, in any form.Along with the above-mentioned versions, there are: Jewish, Catholic, African, American, non-sexist, Husband, Recovery, Living, Good News, and Jerusalem versions that are supposed to be "Gods Word". Problem is that the versions, sadly, have only one thing in common, and that is a "variance" in what wassupposedly said by the Creator. Comparing " edited and sanitized" bible verses and wording, leaves me wondering, "what was said originally". If there is no agreement on a version, of what " God inspired men to write", how can one know or agree on what the bible verses actually said.Bibles are the culmination of an extended process covered with inky fingers, human finger prints, of story telling, writing, cutting and pasting, translating and biased interpretations. Astronomers, geologists, biologists, comparative religionists, archaeologists, anthropologists, philogists, scripture scholars, and theologians did this. Anyway, at one point, I " threw the baby out with the bath water". "Oh, woe is me" , went my shaken belief factors. What now? Past experience has shown that "ones lack of understanding about a thing does not mean it’s false, nor does understanding a thing make it true".
(This was part of my research)
WAS / IS YESHUA OF NAZARETH(JESUS CHRIST) GAY?Overview:We recognize that the title to this essay will be seen by many readers as rather inflammatory. Australian educator, Michael Kelly wrote: "The question is, apparently, provocative....even asking the question is sacrilege, blasphemy,a vilification of Christianity, and a mockery of people's deepest beliefs."Judging by the anger among many Christians toward the Da Vinci Code book and movie, some find it difficult to wrap their minds around the concept of Jesus having been sexually active. The thoughts that he might have been gay are even more difficult to handle. There is nothing in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) which specifically identifies Jesus' sexual orientation. The Bible does not say clearly whether Jesus had a heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual orientation. It is silent on whether Jesus was celibate or sexually active; single or married, childless or with children.However, a few theologians have asserted that Jesus had, and presumably still has, a homosexual orientation.Following our mandate, we explain all sides to the issue.Nomenclature:The words "gay" and "homosexual" are difficult to use without causing confusion, because they have multiple meanings:Many religious conservatives define them in terms of behavior.Homosexuality is what a person does.A homosexual is a person who engages in sexual activities with persons of the same sex. Many religious liberals, Roman Catholics, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, religious mainliners, mental health professionals and human sexuality researchers define these words in terms of feelings. Homosexuality is one part of what a person is. A homosexual is a person who has a homosexual orientation. Their self-identification, fantasies and desire for sexual activity is focused on persons of the same sex. We will use the second definition in this essay, because it is in general use in the medical and scientific communities, and is in growing use among the public.These two definitions can lead to disputes. They make dialogue essentially impossible between religious conservatives and others. For example: A person with a bisexual orientation who engaged in sex with person(s) of the same sex and who now has decided to confine their sexual relationship to a person of the opposite sex is considered to be an ex-gay by many conservative Christians.But many others regard the person to be a bisexual whose sexualorientation has not changed.Only their behavior choice has altered.A person with a homosexual orientation who was once sexually active and who has decided to remain celibate is also considered an ex-gay by many conservative Christians. But others regard them to be a homosexual whose sexual orientation has not changed. They have simply decided to become sexually inactive. Indications that Jesus did not have a homosexual orientation: Since there is no precise statement about Jesus' sexual orientation in the Bible, we can safely start with the assumption that Yeshua of Nazareth/Jesus was a heterosexual. Probably only about 5% of males have a homosexual orientation -- both in ancient Judea during the 1st century CE, and in North America today. So, without considering any other factors, the chances of Jesus being gay is very slim -- about one in twenty. The vast majority of Christian theologians have probably never seriously considered the possibility that Jesus was gay. If they were asked their opinion on the question, the vast majority would probably consider him to be heterosexual; many probably assume that he was devoid of erotic or sexual feelings.On the other hand, there is an often quoted concept that reading the Gospels is like looking down a well. What you see in both cases is a reflection of yourself.Social activists often view Jesus as a social activist. Spiritual people frequently look upon Jesus as spiritual. Heterosexuals may see at Jesus as a heterosexual. Homosexuals may look upon him as gay, etc. Jesus was an observant Jew who, according to the Gospels, was often followed by Pharisees and scribes who severely criticized him. He was charged with being possessed by Satan. He was accused of being a party animal who consorted with the dregs of society -- prostitutes, tax collectors, etc. Yet there is no record of them accusing him of being gay. In 1st century Judea, same-sex behavior among men was a most serious offense, worthy of the death penalty. If Jesus were gay, and if the Jewish establishment knew of his orientation, they would certainly have used it against him. Yet there is no record in the Gospels or in subsequent Jewish literature of the topic ever having been mentioned. On the other hand, the Pharisees may have accused Jesus of being gay. But the story might have never made it into the Gospels. Alternatively, the account might have appeared in early writings, but censored in later Gospel drafts. In Matthew 19:3-12 and Mark 10:2-12, Jesus supports the concept that God made a man and a woman so that they could marry. He is quoted as saying in both Gospels: "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Also, in Matthew 5:17-18, after the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Jesus obviously supported opposite-sex marriage and the Mosaic Law which called for the execution of all male homosexuals. On the other hand, Jesus' general support for opposite-sex marriage and the Mosaic law gives little or no insight into his actual sexual orientation. There are hints in the New Testament that Jesus had a very close loving relationship with Mary Magdalene, which might have included sexually activity. Some theologians believe that the two were married. Dan Brown in his wildly successful novel "The Da Vinci Code" advocates this position. If Jesus possessed a homosexual orientation, he would have avoided sexual intimacy with all women: The Gospel of John (20:1) states that she was the first person who, alone, visited the cave where Jesus' body was laid. That would have typically been the role of a wife in that society. John (20:2-10) describes how other followers came to the tomb and left to return home. But Mary stayed. Again this would have been the behavior of a wife. In John (20:17) Jesus instructed Mary to "Touch me not." Apparently Mary was about to touch his body or at least there was some possibility that she might do so. Again it would have been inconceivable for an man and woman to touch in 1st century Judea, unless they were a married or engaged couple. There are other indications that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married which we will describe in a future essay. If this is true, then it is very unlikely that he would have been homosexual. He probably would have been heterosexual or bisexual.Some English translation of he Gospel of Philip -- one of the forty or so gospels that did not make it into the Christian Scriptures (a.k.a. New Testament) -- contains two interesting statements: "There were three who always walked with the Lord: Mary, his mother, and her sister, and Magdalene, the one who was called his companion. His sister and his mother and his companion were each a Mary." "As for the Wisdom who is called 'the barren,' she is the mother of the angels. And the companion of the [...] Mary Magdalene. [...] loved her more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often on her mouth." Whether the term "companion" meant that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene or was sexually intimate with her is unclear. There sole original manuscript unfortunately contains a hole where English translators have inserted the word "mouth." So the second passage might have actually referred to Jesus kissing her hand or her shoes. Still, the act of kissing anywhere would have been a gross violation of Jewish customs unless Jesus and Mary were engaged or married. Indications that Jesus did have a homosexual orientation: "In the Gospel of John, the disciple John frequently refers to himself in the third person as 'the disciple whom Jesus loved'." One might argue that Jesus loved all of his followers in a non-sexual way. Thus to identify Jesus' love for John in a special way might indicate a sexual relationship. The disciple was "the" beloved. He was in a class by himself. During the Last Supper before Jesus' execution, the author(s) of the Gospel of John describes how the "beloved" disciple laid himself on Jesus' inner tunic -- his undergarment. See John 13:25 and 21:20. Robert Goss, assistant professor of comparative religion at Webster University in St. Louis, LA, noted that Jesus and the beloved disciple: "... eat together, side by side. What's being portrayed here is a pederastic relationship between an older man and a younger man. A Greek reader would understand." Jesus appears to have loved all of his male and female followers in a close, trusting, non-erotic manner. On the other hand: Some commentators have suggested that it was a common practice in Judea at that time for heterosexual man to lay his head on another's undergarment. Such behavior was common between two heterosexuals in an emotionally close but non-erotic relationship during the first century CE. Jenny Stokes, research director for Saltshakers, a conservative Christian group in Australia, said that there are five words for love in Greek (the language in which the Gospels were written: Agape: spiritual, unconditional love, Eros: erotic love, Philia: love between friends, Storge: familial love.The Gospel references to "the disciple whom Jesus loved" use the word "agape." Whether the authors originally used "eros" and the word was subsequently changed is open to speculation. "Jagannath" interprets the Gospels differently. He argues that Jesus may have been bisexual. He wrote: "In the Book of John a word is used eight times that means 'is in love with' with the implication of sexual intimacy. Five times it is used with reference to Jesus' relationship with John. Once it is used to define Jesus' relationship with Lazarus. And it is also used to describe his relationship with Mary and with her sister Martha." During the crucifixion, in John 19:26-28, Jesus is described as seeing his mother and an unidentified man: "the disciple standing by, whom he loved." Again, Jesus probably loved all of his 12 or 70 disciples in a non-sexual manner. But this particular disciple is identified as "the" disciple who Jesus loved. That might indicate a special intimate relationship with one special disciple. The late Morton Smith, of Columbia University reported in 1958 that he had found a fragment of a manuscript which at the Mar Saba monastery near Jerusalem. It contained the full text of Mark, chapter 10. Apparently the version that is in the Christian Scriptures is an edited version of the original. Additional verses allegedly formed part of the full version of Mark, and were inserted after verse 34. It discusses how a young man, naked but for a linen covering, expressed his love for Jesus and stayed with him at his place all night. More details. "J Richards" suggested that Mark 7:14-16 shows that Jesus approves of homosexual acts. The critical phrase reads: "There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him..." Richards suggests that Jesus gave great emphasis to this teaching, directing it to everyone.Richards suggests that the sentence refers to dietary laws and also extends to "blood transfusions, medication, organ transplants, and artificial insemination" and to homosexual acts as well.On the other hand, these words have historically been interpreted as overturning the Mosaic law about eating, Rollan McCleary, was awarded his doctorate from the University of Queensland in Australia during 2003-MAY for his work researching the sexual orientation of Jesus and his disciples. He obtained about $33,000 US in funding from the government to finance his degree. He concluded that Jesus and at least three of his disciples were gay.He based this conclusion on excerpts from the Gospel of John and on Jesus' astrological chart based on the approximate year, month, day and place where he was born. But not even the year of Jesus' birth is known. Many theologians have concluded that Jesus was born sometime in the Fall, between 4 and 7 BCE. Also, there is disagreement about where Jesus was born. Different theologians argue Bethlehem in Judea, Nazareth, and Bethlehem in the Galilee.The task of creating an astrological chart appears quite impossible. Dr. McCleary told Australian Broadcasting Commission radio that, in the past, "one or two queer theologians" had attempted to show Jesus was gay. "People haven't taken them very seriously because they don't have any evidence and they say things so sensationally that people are not really going to listen or just be very angry. What I'm doing is showing a much more theological and also astrological dimension on all this which will make a lot more sense to people." He has written a book based on his doctoral thesis which was published in 2004. An anonymous webmaster wrote about a revelation that he received during her/his daily prayer and meditation: "Suddenly many aspects of the New Testament made sense. Jesus never married. He preached love, tolerance, and forgiveness of sins. He did not condemn and vilify as his so-called followers do today. He surrounded himself with men whom he loved. The Bible says nothing of Jesus' sexuality, yet we are taught that he was both divine and fully man. Why did he never marry?Why is the New Testament silent about his sexuality?It became so clear when I had the insight that Jesus was probably gay and that He understood hatred and bigotry first-hand." Unfortunately, this webmaster merely described a type of vision that he/she had and did not provide any supporting evidence. It is unlikely to be convincing to others. Unfortunately, the statement is no longer online. Mark 14:51-52 describes the incident when Jesus was arrested by the religious police. It describes how one of Jesus' followers was scantily dressed. The King James Version says he had a linen cloth cast on his naked body; the size and location of the cloth is not defined. The New International Version says that he was "wearing nothing but a linen garment." When the police tried to seize him, they were able to grab only his cloth; the man ran away naked. Reverend Peter Murphy wrote: "We don't know from the sources what really was going on, but we do know that something was very peculiar between Jesus and young men." 11 (Emphasis in the original.) Michael Kelly wrote of Jesus' attitude towards a same-sex couple as described in Matthew 8:5-13: and Luke 7:2: "One day a Roman Centurion asked him to heal his dying servant. Scholars of both Scripture and Ancient History tell us that Roman Centurions, who were not permitted to marry while in service, regularly chose a favorite male slave to be their personal assistant and sexual servant. Such liaisons were common in the Greco-Roman world and it was not unusual for them to deepen into loving partnerships....Jesus offered to go to the servant, but the centurion asked him simply to speak a word of healing, since he was not worthy to welcome this itinerant Jewish teacher under his roof. Jesus responded by healing the servant and proclaiming that even in Israel he had never found faith like this! So, in the one Gospel story where Jesus encountered people sharing what we would call a 'gay relationship,' we see him simply concerned about — and deeply moved by — their faith and love." Kelly implies that Jesus' sensitivity towards the gay couple might have arisen from his own bisexual or homosexual orientation. Some commentators argue from silence. They note that there is no passage in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) that directly describes anything about Jesus' sexuality. There are many direct and indirect references to Jesus' sensuality. He was accused of being a "drunkard and a glutton" and of partying with "prostitutes and sinners." He apparently enjoyed a tender foot massage from a woman. Yet, neither Jesus' sexuality nor his celibacy is mentioned. Yet, sex is referred to, elsewhere in the Bible, quite often. One might argue that the books in the Christian Scriptures might have once described Jesus' sexual relationships, but that these passages have been vigorously censored by the later church because they were unconventional. Other commentators have noted that Jesus is silent towards homosexuality in the Gospels. Yet, Paul's opinions and those of many other authors in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) are clearly stated. They conclude that Jesus might have been gay. Odler Jeanlouie speculated: "Is it meaningful that, in the Sermon on the Mount, central to his teaching, he offered a one-way trip to the Kingdom of God, to anyone who is persecuted?"Public reactions to the suggestion that Jesus was gay:Some indications of the anger displayed by Americans on thistopic include: Bomb threats and a promise to "burn the place to the ground" sent to the Manhattan Theatre Club if they included the Terrance McNally play Corpus Christi (The Body of Christ) in its 1998 schedule. It portrayed Jesus and his disciples as a group of gays. The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and the Family Research Council organized a demonstration of over 3,000 Roman Catholic and Protestant Christians to protest the play being shown in New York City. The theatre first cancelled the play, then reinstated it. In 1999-AUG, after being staged in New York City, it completed a run at the Edinburgh Festival. Florida legislators threatened to cut off funding for the Florida Atlantic University if this same play was shown there. Sheik Omar Bakri Muhammad, judge of the Shari'ah Court of the UK -- an Islamic group -- issued a death fatwa against Terrence McNally. The fatwa is not enforceable in the UK. However, "If he travels to an Islamic state, then he would risk arrest and execution." The protests have continued. A Roman Catholic group, America Needs Fatima, a subgroup of TFP has distributed hundreds of signed, preprinted postcards which protested the proposed 2004-MAR production of "Corpus Christi," in Madison, WI. The group had previously been successful in having the play canceled at a community college in Grand Rapids, MI. Over a million people wrote protest letters from 1984 to the end of 1985 against a non existent gay Jesus film. It was believed to have portrayed Jesus as a bisexual who had an affair with Mary Magdalene. By late 1984, the office of the Attorney general of Illinois was receiving about 1,000 protest letters a week. The movie was a hoax -- a Christian urban legend. No trace of it was ever found. On the other hand, a survey conducted by Talk Radio in London, UK, on 1997-DEC-14 found that: 51% said that revelations of Jesus being a homosexual would not affect their religious belief. 49% said it would.
References:Michael B. Kelly, "Could Jesus Have Been Gay?," at:
Peter Tatchell, "Was Jesus Gay?," at:
George Broadhead, "Jesus and Homosexuality," Gay and Lesbian Humanistquarterly, at:
Patrick Goodenough, " 'Gay Jesus' Claim Draws Fire,",2003-MAY-29, at:
Hank Hyena, "Was Jesus Gay: A search for the messiah's true sexuality leadsto a snare of lusty theories," 1998-APR,, at:
James Holding, "Leaning on a broken reed," Tektonics Apologetics Ministries,
Jagannath, "Was Jesus Gay? Or: Can We Finally Let Him Out of the Closet?,"at:
J Richards, "Jesus Speaks of Homosexual Acts," Rainbow Alliance, at: "Jesus was gay, says academic,", 2003-MAY-29, at:
"Was Jesus gay?," at:
Reverend Peter Murphy, "The Sexuality of Jesus?," at:
Odler Robert Jeanlouie, "Was Jesus Gay?," 2001-JUL-19 at:
Bruce Sullivan, "3,000 Protest Gay Jesus Play," Conservative News Service,1998-SEP-29, at: "UK Fatwa for 'gay Jesus' writer," BBC News, 1999-OCT-29, at:
Jacob Stockinger, "Group protests gay Jesus play," The Capital Times,Madison, WI, 2003-SEP-23, at:
"Jesus will be portrayed as a homosexual in an upcoming film: False,"
"Was Jesus gay?, Missing Fragments from St. Mark's Gospel," OutRage!,1998-FEB-27, at:
Rollan McCleary, "A Special Illumination: Authority, Inspiration and Heresy inGay Spirituality," David Brown Book Co., (2004). Read reviews or order this book safely from online book store Lesa Bellevie, "Mary Magdalene FAQ," at:
Books about this topic: Rollan McCleary, "A Special Illumination: Authority, Inspiration and Heresy in Gay Spirituality," David Brown Book Co., (2004). Read reviews or order this book safely from online book store Rollan McCleary, "Signs for a Messiah." Hazard Press, (2003). Read reviewsor order this book safely from online book store Theodore W. Jennings, Jr., "The Man Jesus Loved: Homoerotic Narratives from the New Testament," The Pilgrim Press, (2003-MAY). Read reviews or order this book safely from online book store Morton Smith, "The Secret Gospel: The Discovery and Interpretation of the Secret Gospel according to Mark," Harper & Row, (1973). Read reviews or order this book safely from online book storeCopyright © 2003 to 2006 by Ontario Consultants on Religious ToleranceOriginally written: 2003-SEP-24Latest update: 2006-MAY-28Author: B.A. Robinson Web

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

# 12 DDT Truth and The Rubber Band

Have long been fascinated, with the pro and con arguments, given by professional experts within their field of expertise. What triggers such a wide schism within their ranks when certain research is presented to them. As far as I'm concerned, only what falls into the " common sense " truth, matters. Guess this is where many argument's fall apart. The failure to apply common sense on the one hand, and how one is affiliated on the other. So somewhere between the two extremes, is the " rubber band ". ( see post # 2 ) Some expressions may be blatant lies, partial truth, greed, fear, love, or actually truth.So what is the truth about the use of DDT?An article put out by one of my trusted sources had mentioned DDT quite a few times in the past, but I had never followed up on it. Had also read Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, the 1962 book against DDT and other pesticides.
So, as stated in my # 2 post, seems that there is some degree of truth, in both the pro and the con arguments, but only if used with a good dose of common sense.

..( below from one of my more trusted sources )......
NO OTHER DOCTOR OF OUR TIME has crusaded harder, traveled further and sacrificed more to advance the science of alternative medicine than William Campbell Douglass II, MD. Today, many of the breakthroughs he fought so hard to establish have been adopted by thousands of doctors. But many battles with the stodgy, set in their ways medical establishment came first, and his real life story is more fascinating than any television "doctor drama."
Learn the facts of real health from medicine's most acclaimed MYTH-BUSTER!
He's been exposing medical conspiracies and pioneering breakthrough treatments for nearly 4 decades. Here's your invitation to join him on the path to real health!
Click on the link below to discover how you can get the fittest you've ever been even while watching TV or reading the paper.
Campbell Douglass II, M.D. Editor 'DDT CAUSES CANCER.' Says WHO? Check the record. Back in the 1970s,
the Environmental Protection Agency examiner summed up 9,000 pages of research by flatly declaring, 'DDT is not a carcinogenic hazard to man.' He also emphasized that it doesn't harm fish, birds or other wildlife. Despite this open-and-shut case, his boss, EPA head William Ruckleshaus went ahead and banned DDT. Aides later said he never read even one page of the studies. He had helped to hatch the DDT scare and couldn't bring himself to admit he was wrong. The worldwide witch-hunt against DDT hasn't saved one peregrine falcon. But it has unquestionably murdered tens of millions of human children in tropical nations, who continue to die from malaria, Dengue fever, yellow fever and other mosquito-borne plagues.
............. ( sites I researched about DDT ) .............

Sunday, September 30, 2007

# 11 More Hyperbole, Hypocrisy and Nonsense

So now, what is safe these days. Where has common sense and wise counsel fled too. Who is raping the public trust and money. Small companies buy big companies. Big companies buy little companies. Banks are merging. Newspapers are merging. Giant food companies are merging. Airlines are merging. AM and FM radio is merging. Telephone companies are merging. Television stations are merging. Appliance companies are merging. Automobile companies are merging. The list goes on and on. All this merging, so the company can become more competitive and profitable. Ah, good,.but what really takes place. Layoffs eliminate important parts of a business. Things like quality control, quality assurance and safety measures. How else can one explain the E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella, and other harmful conditions to take place in the food supply! Unsafe baby cribs! Lead in toys. Cars just off the assembly line, needing to be recalled for unsafe conditions! Rampant and insane executive salary's! Pension plans screwed up! Health insurance for employee's dropped! The chief honcho, gets a 100 million dollar bonus, and more options at a reduced price, and promptly lays off, a mass of employees, cancels health insurance, and sits back, while the company goes bankrupt. Then the company waits a while, and presto, come out of bankruptcy, with a large group of investors getting a royal screwing, while a select group become billionaires. Politicians are worried, that far to many people, still have a buck or two put aside, from the old days. So they scheme and plan, on how can we change that status? So it goes, raise taxes, tell the public how bad this and that is, and the great need, politicians have, to feed their " pork " barrel. Send the young generation off to war, give them a chance to become hero's, for their country. Never mind, that if they survive the war, and lose arms and legs, and mental abilities, we can always dump them in a government facility somewhere, and mostly hide and ignore them, as it is expensive to provide the proper medical care for them. So what am I saying here? Conspiracy! Plan to control the world! Nah, only that common sense and integrity, has taken a wrong turn. Nothing wrong, with being a billionaire, it's what was done to get there. So, here are some places, that may help you, be part of restoring, some common sense in your life's actions. Must be having a weird day to be writing this.$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01